Bob Littel
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Current Projects
Past Projects
Skills & Qualifications

Skills & Qualifications

  • Professional Engineer of Ontario - License Number 100234023
  • Robotic Applications Experience:
    • Automotive Assembly Lines (Tesla Model 3, Model Y, Cybertruck): KUKA, Fanuc
    • KUKA, Fanuc, ABB, Motoman, Staubli, Natchi/OTC, Mitsubishi, Universal, Denso
    • Have experience programming robots to perform welding, milling, waterjet, and plasma cutting, shot peening, painting, additive
  • Programming languages:
    • Industrial Robot Languages: KRL (KUKA), Karel (Fanuc), INFORM (Motoman/Yaskawa)
    • Python, PHP, HTML, JavaScript, MySQL, REGEX, Matlab, C, Java, Visual Basic, VHDL

Other Qualifications

  • Valid Ontario G and M Licenses
  • Valid California, Texas Drivers License
  • Pleasure Craft License
  • Have personal methods for transportation
  • Eligible to work in Canada
  • Valid Canadian Passport
  • Willing to relocate
  • Bachelors of Engineering: Engineering Systems and Computing
  • Masters of Science in Engineering (Engineering Systems and Computing)
  • Limited communication in German, and French